About Us


Dr. Tom Wilkinson

Dr. Tom Wilkinson specialises in the management of orofacial pain with a particular focus on temporomandibular disorders and masticatory musculoskeletal pain. He founded the Australia & New Zealand Academy of Orofacial Pain (ANZAOP) in 1986 and has limited his practice in Adelaide exclusively to Orofacial Pain Disorders for over the past 30 years. He has also been a long term academic/lecturer to dental students at Adelaide University on temporomandibular disorders.

Dr. Melissa Laohachai

Dr. Melissa Laohachai graduated from Adelaide University with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery and concurrent honours focused on the management and treatment outcomes of Temporomandibular Disorders. Having been a patient of Dr. Tom Wilkinson as a student with temporomandibular disorder and pain, she understands the importance of management and ongoing support. She has a particular interest in the field of Orofacial Pain and has completed a Masters in Medicine in Pain Management at the University of Sydney.

250 South Terrace, Adelaide 5000